The Beginning – We all start somewhere, often this place is stable, and we are used to it, we know how to navigate in it, we know it’s perils. Venturing out and trying things that we do not know i scary, but unfortunately that seems to be the only way to grow, to face the unknown, to see how you handle it.
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In order to progress and change and be something we else, we need to experience Flux, it is not stable or predictable, but it leads you to seeing new perspectives, which can lead to growth and progress.
Full resolution flux video for display on 4k panel can be downloaded here:
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A new state of stability as achieved at some point and this is symbolized in a stronger position in gold in this piece. It is important to keep in mind that this is not the final result and most likely this process of flux and relative stability will be continued in perpetuity.
Full resolution flux video for display on 4k panel can be downloaded here:
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